This post is updated as necessary. Feel free to drop questions in the comments below, or DM me on Twitter or Instagram!

Who or what inspired your debut novel? Nature. Nature has always been a guiding source of inspiration for me, and this project is no different. I answer this question in more detail here.

Are your characters based on real people? Never intentionally. But I have a whole lot of love for my friends and family, so I often find their inherent goodness and beauty in the hearts and minds of my fictional friends. Their different senses of humor, too–I find those a lot.

What is your book about? Ah, the question to top all questions. My debut trilogy is a story about girls who can speak to nature, boys who can read minds and enemies who look like friends… and that’s just scratching the surface. I answer this question in more detail here.

What is your creative process like? “I’ve got about the next two and a half hours planned, and then there’s just darkness and possibly some dragons.” – Rory Gilmore

Okay, fine. It’s a little something like this.

Do you have a release date yet? *smiles hopefully* It’s coming, friends. I’m nearly finished with this round of edits, and then it’s full speed ahead. For now, I’m digging deep into my inner world and pulling out every last drop of sustenance that I can give to you.

When do you find time to work on this book anyway? It depends on the day, but I’m usually working on edits in the mid-morning. My brain is fully awake by then, and I still have time to work on freelance projects in the late afternoon!

What is the setting of your book? I’m a Jersey girl at heart, baby. Bring on the beach. (But I also love my mountains, so expect a few of those, too. Maybe more than a few.)

Who is your target audience? This is a YA fantasy, geared toward the ages of 12-18, but it is my hope that anyone over the age of 11 will enjoy it!

Where do you gather inspiration? Nature, humanity, other writers, Pinterest, music, etc.

Is this book just for girls? Repeat after me, y’all: “Books are for everyone.” The heroines of this story are decidedly badass, and the heroes are, too! Get ready for warrior princesses and valiant soldiers (a.k.a. regular people with hearts and souls).

Dear Kindred Spirit

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