Happy woman running through field

Ready for an enlightening conversation? Try asking people for their personal definition of “happiness.” It seems straightforward, right? But keep track of the number of times you hear, “I’d rather be ____________ than happy.” And, more importantly, keep track of what goes in the blank.

“I’d rather be kind,” people tell me. “I’d rather be faithful. I want to feel hopeful and empowered.” Or, my personal favorite: “I’d rather be at peace.”

I love all these answers. Every one. I love when people want to be compassionate. I think it’s fantastic when people want to be fully dedicated to a cause. What I don’t understand is why we, as a society, consider these energies to be something other than happiness. Why is it more acceptable (i.e. less shallow) to be brave or daring or empathetic than it is to be happy?

What Goes in the Blank

Below are just a few of the energies I include in my own personal definition of “happiness.”

  • Love, because we’re nothing without it.
  • Peace, because a stressed mind just manifests more stress.
  • Hope, because everything is possible.
  • Confidence, because everyone is on their own journey.
  • Kindness, because we are one.
  • Faith, because I believe in myself, and you, and us.
  • Empowerment, because we are love.
  • Compassion, because some journeys are harder than others.
  • Dedication, because we’re worth fighting for.
  • Embodiment, which I’ll talk more about later this year. *wink*

So, you see, I don’t think being happy is shallow at all. In fact, I think it’s close to the least shallow energy of all. A cousin, perhaps, to enlightenment.

Living Fully Alive

When I describe “happiness” to others, I’m often told, “Yeah, but nobody feels that good all the time.”

But couldn’t we? I mean, couldn’t that be why we’re all here? To be fully human and fully divine? To create a life where love and empowerment and peace permeate every breath?

If those questions had been asked of me just three years ago, I would’ve lost it. So, for whoever needs to hear it today, at this moment, I have an affirmation for you (below). It’s the one I needed all those months ago but that didn’t exist until today. You can read it silently or out loud (or ignore it, of course). Either way, you’re worthy. Either way, you don’t have to have all the answers. I certainly don’t.

I am loved. I am love. Everything I need and will ever need is already within me. I become more empowered with each passing day. My future is never my past, but my past is always transforming into wisdom. Happiness is for me. I rest in the knowledge that I am fully human and fully divine. I am unstoppable. I grow wherever I am planted. I am love. I am divine.

(And you are in no way, shape, or form, shallow.)

Rescue Remedies

In case you’re having a particularly unhappy day (*hugs*), here are some “happiness tactics” that work well for me and might work for you, too! Each of these exercises can be great for cultivating joy, peace, love, and awareness. Remember: this positive energy is already within us. All we have to do is activate it!

  • Happy list: A compilation of seemingly random things that make you smile. The more you list, the happier you’ll feel!
  • Meditation: Smooth out those brain waves and connect to your highest self. I started out with Headspace and am currently alternating between Dr. Joe Dispenza’s recordings and the free videos from Yoga with Adriene.
  • Self-love list: A compilation of things you genuinely love about yourself. Every time you look at it, you’ll appreciate yourself a little more. Remember: you are worthy!
  • The Tapping Solution App: The rescue remedy for a particularly crappy day. Be sure to watch the intro video so you can learn just how easy it is to save yourself. You’re basically a superhero.
  • Moodflow: A super fun app to track your progress. Don’t get discouraged! I made it through September without a single “Bad” day and promptly fell on my face on October first. It happens.

I write this with big love for everyone who has ever had to sit through one of my “Let’s talk about the universe” discussions. You’re all such good sports, and I love learning from you. Be well. xo

Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash

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