Skipped rock creates ripples on water and demonstrates how the actions we take each month can affect our lives at large

I’m an East Coast girl, but I have “Save Me, San Francisco” by Train on repeat, and that’s the kind of month it’s been, friends. At least, I think it’s been like this all month. Holy wow, what day is it?

Big News First

The Book is *back* from my editor. And it is so. much. better. than I had dared to hope. A few added scenes and some hefty cutting in the middle, and I’ll be ready to move forward with this project. Whoop, whoop!

We have 15 specific edits for this round, and number nine just wrapped up. Can you tell I’m on a deadline this time? *winks* Still accepting good vibes, though, because I’m 2K over my word count? *Still?* I don’t know. The words do what they want. I bet that’s why we invented chocolate. For crazy writers. It’s just ridiculous enough to be possible, you know?

(So, I checked, and apparently, the Aztecs were using cacao seeds as currency long before I was eating bittersweet chips straight out of the bag. Can we try that again? Chocolate as a form of currency? Would that be cool or gross?)

In Other News

Anyone else still stuck on The Tyrant’s Tomb? Like, what if I finish it, and I lose more of my favorite fictional people? So, I’m reading slowly. Very slowly. With podcast breaks. And music. (We’ve moved on to the Wicked soundtrack. I shuffled my entire playlist.)

I see this post is turning into a diary entry, so I’ll embrace it. Here’s what this month of nonstop editing has taught me: It’s never done. We are never done. We keep growing and changing, and our passions and projects grow and change with us. And that’s the whole point. The endlessness of it. The best part isn’t coming. It’s now. Be it terrifying or freeing or both.

It’s now.

Dear Kindred Spirit

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